Macular Edema

Risk Factors
Macular edema can be associated with a variety of causes. Most freqeuntly it is seen in diabetes and macular degeneration. It can also arise as a consequence of inflammation inside the eye or uveitis. Medications can trigger macular edema. Vein occlusions are also frequently associated with macular edema.
Treatments for macular edema range according to the underlying etiology. Macular edema means (edema) swelling or inflammation of the central area of the retina (macula). For patients with macular edema resulting from diabetes or a vein occlusion, the treatment may involve administration of an injection to the eye. Most common injection medications include Eylea, Avastin, and steroids such as Ozurdex. For macular edema that is associated with inflammation from cataract surgery or uveitis, treatment may be steroid eye drops and a non steroidal anti-inflammatory drop or NSAID. Some NSAID's work better than others depending on their ability to get to the edema. On occasion, macular edema can be a consequence of traction of scar tissue. This type of macular edema may be treated with vitrectomy surgery combined with membranectomy (removal of the membrane).